Nails of the Week!

Like most women I love having my nails looking well done. I do however, paint them myself as I love switching the colors often. Not to mention the great number of compliments I receive from people thinking that they look fake. Sorry guys but they are all natural lol. I did some damage in the nail polish department as I picked up quite a bit Revlon and Sally Hansen nail polishes that I can’t wait to do future posts on.

The color that I chose this week is from Revlon. A light orange color that isn’t too bright and adds that right pop of color. Perfect for the spring/summer to add that extra life to your outfits.


This is the color with no direct light and as you can see it isnt very bright. Its from Revlon and the name is “Priviledged”. I love Revlon nail polishes the last quite a while on your nails not to mention I love their color selction. I think this color would be perfect for the spring time.

I hope I’m able to do more of these posts in the future. For now I just want to thank you for reading and even though it was a short post it was fun for me to write. Have a good day guys.

xoxo Jenique.